Ever find yourself really wishing you had more time to get ready for Christmas... December just seems to SNEAK up on you? Well, maybe we can make a difference... together!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Keep on track...keep on track....keep......

OH CRAP!!!! 
I can't seem to stay FOcUseD!!!!! 

I really think I have A~D~D.... Honestly!!!! 

I just can't seem to stay FOcUseD on what I need to do... there is SOOOOOO much I want to do... NEED to do.... and DON'T want OR need to do!!! AGH!!!!! 

Well, I've been CRAFTING a few new HALLOWEEN projects..... 

And.... I've been trying to keep on track with CHRISTMAS too... because my clock is TICKING really fast in that department as well.......... 

But... I don't want you to think that I just SKIPPY-DO-DAH through the other holidays.. forgetting that there are a few other "celebrations" in between..... because I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE FALL!!!!!! Actually.... I'm kinda HEAD over HEELS in LOVE with FALL!!! I FELL hard!!!! 
I like Halloween... we'll the CUTESY - side of it.. HATE the "TrIcK or TReaT" and "DRESS UP" side of it ... but like to have fun parties, decorate with CUTE stuff (no gorey for me... I have NIGHTMARES!) ... BUT I love FALL! BUT, being married for a long time my decorations are OVER-DUE for some UPDATING - so I decided this was the year to do it! 

So, here is just a SNEAK peak at some of the NEW I've added this year...just so you don't think I'm SLACKING and BYPASSING Halloween.... AND... I wanted to LINK up to a few LINKY parties!!!! Not that my stuff can even COME CLOSE to what I have been BROWSING and DREAMING about... but I'm hoping to get some CREATIVE JUICE from all of them... and some constructive CREATIVE words of wisdom on what I can do to make it BETTER!!!!  
Have you noticed just how many TALENTED people there are out there... in BLOGLAND????? I'm so embarrassed.... but I'm determined to "GET SOME TALENT".... one way or another.... and it will probably be the "other".... (like PURCHASING.... when I get ANOTHER job to support that HABIT!) Until then... I'll dream.... wish.....hope.... and SHARE in hopes of some CREATIVE JUICE flooding my way!

So.... here goes nothing........ 

OH! First there are a few rules.... 

NO LAUGHING (out loud anyway... or so that I hear you)
NO POINTING the FINGER at my HUGE mistakes (in front of me)
NO MAKING fun of me.... (I'm kinda sensitive... lack of sleep.... ya know... Tis' the Season!!) 

Here ya go! 
 First... I just HAD to have a WITCHES BROOM!
Total cost: $6.36
(and I know... not nearly as cute as the one at SWISS DAYS, but sure was a LOT less to make!)
 My favorite SqUArE punkin! I made 6 of them... of course, I'm left with just one.... oh well! 
Total Cost: $2.18

 These little guys were not added this year... but I kinda like them... 
They were my first attempt at ceramic painting...and took me like 2 years to finish.... agh!!! 
and I just noticed... poor little guy is missing his wings....
 This little haunted house... HAUNTED me for a LONG time!!! 
Sheesh!! it was a lot of "wipe-on...wipe off...dry brush on.... dry brush off..." BUT it is FINISHED!!! YEAH!!!
 Now, let me introduce you to HILDA ... 
she is a little old....about 23 years old! (But in WITCH years.. that's like.... 115!)
But she was a lot of fun! AND she gets LOTS of loves!
I'm sure that MOP DOLLS are a BIG thing of the past... but my girls have just loved her, and now the grand kidos love her even more!  AAAND! I don't have to worry about her getting broke!   I did make about 75 of them....back in the day....but only kept one... I think I may be making some more here in the near future...
 This little MUMMY dude.... "MUMFORD" ... let me just tell you.... he is OLD... and HE took YEARS to finish... I'm still trying to decide if I like ceramic or not... I mean, I LOVE it finished... BUT it takes so much dang time! AND patience!!! And... I don't find it nearly as forgiving as wood....
After the bats.... I thought "Hey, this little guy won't be bad...."  WHATEVER!  He had more "wipe on... wipe off... dry this... dry that.... wipe on.... wipe off.... start again...." than the darn bats!  HE LITERALLY aged while WAITING to be completed!  18 years in the making!  And he FINALLY came out this year! And... I'm sure he isn't done right.... but he is as DONE as he is going to get!

So... there ya have it! 
I'm not a COMPLETE - 
BAH-HUM-BUG for Halloween!!! 

Swish on over to SOMEDAY CRAFTS and take a gander at SOME VERY talented BLOGLAND people!!  (I don't know why I do this to myself... I get so ENVIOUSLY-HAPPY of all their TALENT... but I'm working on learning how to just be HAPPY for them (without the ENVY) and praying for some CREATIVE juice overflow!) - GO ahead... take a look!!! IMPRESSIVE!!!!

Meanwhile... I'll be trying.... to....
Keep on track... keep on track.... keep on track....

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It's like CHRISTMAS everyday when I unwrap your kind words! I just LOVE getting secret messages!!! I really have the BEST bloggy friends ever!